hands holding phone and coffee while watching instagram reels

With TikTok surpassing 1 billion global downloads within 18 months of its launch, Instagram needed to find a way to compete. That’s what lead to the launch of Reels in 2020.

Now, after two years, Reels account for more than 20% of the time that people spend on Instagram, and video accounts for more than 50%. With numbers like that, it’s easy to see the appeal.

Let’s go over how small businesses can take advantage of the popularity of Reels and add them to their marketing plan.

Use TikTok to stay one step ahead of new IG Reels trends

While we don’t recommend uploading duplicate content from TikTok to Instagram, TikTok is still the front-runner when it comes to vertical video and viral content. Trends that are popular on TikTok, tend to trickle over to Instagram over the course of a week or two.

Make sure to stay on top of what’s trending on TikTok so you can be ready when it makes its way to Instagram.

Take inspiration from other brands and content creators

In addition to inspiration, you can even use some Reels as a template. If you find one that you like, tap the three dots in the bottom right of the reel, tap “Use as Template,” and then select the photos or videos you want to replace it with.

Start with informational content

Don’t treat Reels as a traditional advertising platform. Your content shouldn’t be all about your product or your services. Just like with other types of short-form video, appeal to your audience with short, authentic, and informational content that lets them know you know what you’re talking about.

Focus on getting on the discover page, not engagement

Thanks to the algorithm, Reels can reach a lot of people really quickly. But just because you get views, doesn’t mean you’ll get engagement. Even though Instagram typically prioritizes high-value engagement like comments and shares, with Reels, it’s all about views and likes. Instagram will push videos that have higher watch and like counts to appear on random users’ Discover Pages, and by appearing on the Discover page, you’ll get more visibility and more opportunity to gain followers.

If you want to grow your business with video or have more questions about the video production process, call us at 321-802-3169 to set up a FREE video brainstorming session.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation!


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