Video Marketing Is Everywhere

Not too long ago, TV commercials were the only type of advertising that came to mind when businesses were thinking about using video. While TV was great for big businesses, it was financially impossible for smaller ones. There was no way for small businesses to step out into the video marketing world. 

Now, there are plenty of different platforms. There are so many that most people probably aren’t even aware of them all. This is great for small businesses because now it’s super easy for them to incorporate video marketing without breaking the bank. 

Video marketing opportunities are almost endless at this point. Today, video can be used on your company’s website, marketing emails, social media, YouTube pre-roll ads, movie theater screens, even on gas pumps.

The perk of advertising in these venues is that you have a captive audience. And for the most part, it’s far more affordable than advertising on TV.  Video marketing on these platforms is mostly incorporated in a natural way so that it isn’t disruptive to the viewers’ user experience. You already have people paying attention to content, so you just have to make sure your content is memorable. 

A major aspect of video marketing is tracking your video’s effectiveness. You want to be able to measure your ROI, right? It’s always important to measure how people are responding to your videos so that you know whether or not they’re working. If you’re advertising for a specific promotion or special, you can use video to lead customers to a specific landing page, use unique promo codes, or get them to mention the ad when the stop by your business. 

If you’re considering video marketing for your business and wondering which platform could work best for you, give us a call!

If you’re looking for more tips, check out our other blog posts here!