So You Have A Marketing Video – Now What?

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is going through the process of getting a professional marketing video produced, dropping it on their website (or their Facebook page), and then calling it a day. The outcome in this situation is an unsuccessful video marketing campaign that leaves you wondering why you went through the trouble of getting a video in the first place.

When done properly, video marketing can do amazing things for your business! But doing it properly means more than just simply having a video – you can’t just upload your video (or worse, drop a link to it) and expect the views, engagement, and sales to roll in. You need to make sure it’s optimized for views and then you need to promote it.

Promoting your marketing video can be super simple. We don’t mean paid promotions either. If paid ads aren’t in your budget, don’t worry. You can still work with organic engagement.

First, let’s go over some optimization tips for your marketing video:

  1. Make sure your video has a proper title and description that includes keywords that your target audience may be searching for.
  2. Always upload your videos natively on social media and embed them on your website. You don’t just want to drop links. This makes watching your video more convenient for the viewer and keeps them on your page. 
  3. Optimize your video for no sound. 85% of video views on Facebook are without sound. Just think about all the times you scroll through your phone in public with the sound off. This is why it’s so important to include captions in your videos or make sure sound isn’t key to getting the message across.

Now let’s go over how to promote your video after it’s been published online:

  1. Share your video more than once. Create multiple posts with unique copy and hashtags that make everything seem fresh despite promoting the same video content. This gives you more chances to grab the attention of someone who may have missed your post the first time. 
  2. Be strategic with the use of tags and hashtags. If it makes sense to tag another business/company, mention them in your post. Research successful hashtags and use a combination that varies in popularity.
  3. Respond to people when they engage with your content. This gives your business a human factor and looks good to the algorithm. 
  4. Cross promote your content on different channels. You don’t have to be on all the social media platforms. But if you’re on more than one (which you should be!) make sure you’re tailoring your content to each platform and promoting it across all of them. 
  5. Engage with your community. Find the right niche for your brand and start following other people/businesses and interacting with their content. You can even share their content if you think your audience would benefit from it. Promoting outside content and engaging with a community establishes your brand as active and engaged, and sets you apart from other businesses who are simply pushing their products/services. 

The work that goes into making your marketing videos successful can be overwhelming. If you start following these tips, you’ll already see a difference in engagement. But if it’s too overwhelming, we have your back. We don’t just make marketing videos, we can also help you figure out the best way to get your videos in front of your viewers. If you need help with that, give us a call! 

If you’re looking for more tips, check out our other blog posts here!