Tips for Going Live on Social Media

Going live and streaming in the moment content on the major social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) is one of the best ways to connect with your audience and get the word out about your business. On Facebook especially, live video content generates the most reach and engagement. 

Going live seems intimidating at first, but we have some tips that should help make things a little easier on you. 

Focus on value. 

Like all of your other content, your live videos should always add value. This can mean many things (not just literal value like a coupon code, discounts, etc.). It’s important to establish what you want your audience to get out of watching your video, then you want to focus your efforts around that goal. 

Plan ahead.

Just because it’s live video and “in the moment,” doesn’t mean you don’t need a plan. It’s important to have a rough outline developed that you can follow. You’ll want to plan out your talking points or what you’ll be demonstrating so that you’re prepared. It’s also good to have an actual copy of your outline nearby for reference during the video to keep yourself on track. This should include any cues that you might need for specific actions. 

If you’re nervous about going live, having a plan can make a huge difference. With an outline, you’ll feel comfortable knowing what’s next, and you won’t have to worry about forgetting things if you get off track. 

Planning ahead also allows you to make sure you’re telling a full story; complete with a beginning, middle, and end. It’s the easiest way to organize your thoughts, keep your audience engaged, and implement a call-to-action. 

Test your equipment and internet connection. 

Connectivity issues are the bane of live streaming. Spotty internet can mean low quality-video and interrupted streams. Make sure to test your connection with a random live video session to see how everything works ahead of time. Testing is even more important if you’re using new equipment for the first time!

Don’t worry about it being perfect.

One thing viewers love about live streaming is the realness of it. So don’t let mistakes or technical difficulties get to you. Anything can happen, so just roll with any problems as you run into them.

Whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter; going live can be intimidating. Planning ahead and practicing are the best ways to make yourself more comfortable with the idea. In the end, just go for it! Any mistakes that come along will just make your brand seem more human. It’s all part of the charm of going live

If you’re still intimidated by live video, give us a call. It’s one of the many video services we offer. We can help handle the technical side of everything so you can just focus on connecting with your viewers.