Tag: Video Marketing

  • 4 Tips to Help Boost Engagement with Social Media Videos

    Videos can get you the most attention, feedback, and interest in your social media campaign over any other type of content. And while high quality video is important, it doesn’t mean anything if people aren’t engaging with it. You want to make sure people are seeing, sharing, and liking your videos. That’s why we’re sharing…

  • Three Myths About Online Video for B2B Companies

    One common trend among business owners who are marketing to other businesses is that they tend to focus on more traditional forms of marketing. They don’t take video as seriously, which is typically due to some commonly-held myths that we want to address. B2B video is a huge missed opportunity because when people think of…

  • So You Have A Marketing Video – Now What?

    One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is going through the process of getting a professional marketing video produced, dropping it on their website (or their Facebook page), and then calling it a day. The outcome in this situation is an unsuccessful video marketing campaign that leaves you wondering why you went through the trouble…

  • Video Marketing Is Everywhere

    Not too long ago, TV commercials were the only type of advertising that came to mind when businesses were thinking about using video. While TV was great for big businesses, it was financially impossible for smaller ones. There was no way for small businesses to step out into the video marketing world.  Now, there are plenty…

  • Top 3 Benefits of Using Video on Your Website

    We talk a lot about social media marketing and how to incorporate video, but that’s not the only way you should be using video for your business. Video on your website is just as (if not more) important as video on social. In the basic sense, video on your website helps increase traffic, conversions, and sales.…

  • When Should You Pay to Promote Video Content?

    Paid media plays a large role in your social media strategy. There are two key questions that we want to address: When should you pay to promote video content? And how should you measure your video marketing or ad campaign? When should you pay to promote video content? Between the number of videos on the…