Tag: facebook

  • How Your Business Can Benefit from Using Facebook Live

    Have you seen other businesses using Facebook Live? Are you wondering how your business could actually benefit from using it? In general, using live video will improve your Facebook reach, and there are plenty of ways your business can succeed with it. Your content has a lifespan for engagement when it’s initially shared (which is…

  • 4 Ways to Use Video to Improve Your Social Media

    We can’t say it enough, video marketing has taken over social media. It’s practically a necessity to make your content stand out among the rest. Just look at our post about the predictions for social media and video from January. Think about your engagement on social media. If you post a status update without a…

  • Social Media and Video in 2017

    As the year comes to an end, one thing we’re doing is looking at how marketers have been using social media and trying to anticipate what trends will be popular in 2017. Right now, we have three key takeaways to keep in mind when creating your 2017 marketing plan: video is about to peak, everyone…

  • Using Video to Put a Face to Your Business

    Before the internet, a customer’s first interaction with a business was with a person. Whether it be the friendly shop owner behind a counter, a door-to-door salesman, or a server at restaurant, it’s always nice to be greeted with a smiling face ready to help. Today for the most part, when a person first meets…