Tag: Business

  • Prepping your Business for Video Production

    The idea of producing a video can seem overwhelming, but teaming up with a good video production company can make the process smooth and even fun!

  • Using Video Production to Grow Your Business

    Today information is coming at us from all angles. Streaming at us faster than our minds can absorb from our televisions, radios, computers, and even the phones in our pockets. What we choose to retain is only what we find entertaining, informative, or engaging. And the best way to guarantee our attention is to do…

  • Recap on a Busy Month of Video Production

    Over the last month, we’ve been busy working on some great projects! To start, I worked a full week in Puerto Rico working as a camera op on a travel show that focuses on local cuisine and surfing. The show was a pilot that was set to air on PBS. It was shot on GH2s…

  • Shooting Video On a DSLR video camera feels like home

    We’ve been shooting with video ever since we’ve done video production in Brevard. The only opportunity that we’ve ever had to shoot on Super 16 and 35mm was in film school! I might sound like a bit of a romantic here, but there was an organic sense in shooting on celluloid. There was a connection that…