Instagram log in screen

Instagram TV: What You Need to Know

Just last week Instagram launched their new video app Instagram TV (IGTV). It can be used as both a standalone app or from within the Instagram app itself. IGTV is Instagram’s solution to long-form video and will be rolling out to users in the next few weeks.

IGTV will feature full-screen vertical videos (similar to Instagram Stories) that can be up to an hour long. Instagram also announced that they’ve reached 1 billion users, making them the third largest social network. So it seems like Instagram is trying to expand their platform to be suitable for content that would typically be found somewhere like YouTube. Which would make things easier for brands and influencers who’ve grown their audience on Instagram since they’ll no longer have to send them over to YouTube for longer content.

IGTV features you need to know:

  • Videos are full-screen and vertical (like the Stories format).
  • Video length is 15 seconds to 10 minutes. However, large verified accounts can actually publish video that’s up to an hour long.
  • Users can watch IGTV from inside the Instagram app or the IGTV app.
  • “Swipe-up” call to actions can be added to videos.
  • Users can like and comment, as well as send videos to friends via direct message.
  • Creators have their own channels just like YouTube.
  • Videos on IGTV can be uploaded to the app, online, or to Facebook Watch.
  • There are no current advertising options put in place yet.
  • Currently, users are receiving call-outs from the IGTV button in the Instagram app telling them when some accounts they like have uploaded a new video.
IGTV Screen Grab

How should you use IGTV?

Look to Youtube for inspiration to find out what is performing well there. Many brands have started with How-To videos, Q&A’s, and other types of quick/popular content. Keep in mind that Instagram users tend to prefer more authentic-looking content. They don’t want over-produced and super polished video. Think slightly more professional than Instagram Stories but still mobile-friendly.

Before jumping into IGTV, be sure to review (or build!) a social video strategy and figure out how IGTV can fit in. IGTV has a built-in audience almost as large as YouTube, so it’s definitely something to get on board with.