Case Study: Palm Bay Fire Rescue

Client: Palm Bay Fire Rescue
Category: Branding Video

We’re proud of our ongoing partnership with the City of Palm Bay, and a few months ago they came to us with a project for Palm Bay Fire Rescue. They wanted a branding video but needed it to do a little more than just show off the department. 

Their goal was to make residents feel safe and proud of their fire department, but also be able to bring awareness to the vast area Palm Bay Fire Rescue actually has to cover. 

If you didn’t know, the City of Palm Bay takes up about 100 square miles and has around 114,000 residents – that’s a whole lot of people to look out for. Palm Bay Fire Rescue is made up of 123 firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics. 

Even though they have a limited number of fire stations, there is one thing PBFD has that sets them apart from other departments: 4-person crew engines. This is something we really wanted to focus on in the video. 

For fire rescue, there’s a 2 in / 2 out rule during calls. However, most departments only use 3 person engines. PBFR’s 4 person crews allow them to jump into action without having to wait for a second engine. This means they’re able to get to you as quickly as possible. 

Our biggest challenge during this project was really being able to capture the essence of the entire department. Getting people in action, and covering all the services, equipment, and facilities took a number of scheduled shoots. But the crews helped us out big time. They were all really eager to show off their skills and wanted to make sure they were doing their part to make the video the best it could be. 

As of right now, the Palm Bay Fire Rescue video has over 12,000 views and has been shared 217 times on Facebook. The comment section was full of community members thanking the department for their service and sharing the excitement when they recognized someone they personally knew. 

A branding video like this one was a great way for the city to educate community members about their fire department while also educating them about the risks involved.

We hope it made everyone feel a little safer and proud of the people who dedicate their lives to protecting them.