camera recording video

Video Marketing Tips & Trends for 2021

We know video has been steadily growing year after year, but now it’s at an all-time high. With most forms of in-person entertainment and events being canceled, people are staying home and consuming more online video than ever before. This trend is likely to continue, and according to studies, video marketing is expected to make up about 82 percent of all consumer internet traffic by 2022.

Content creators are seeing 20-30% more views on YouTube, 56% of internet users are on at least one of the popular social media platforms each month, and there’s been a 70% increase in live-streaming on Instagram alone. If you haven’t already, 2021 is the year you really need to get into video.

Video Ranks High in Search

Video isn’t just popular with online users, it’s also popular with search engines. We’re not saying you need video just because people like to watch it. We’re saying you need video because Google likes it. Your website is 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results if it includes a video, while video on your landing pages can increase conversion by 80%.  By boosting your SEO and conversions with video, you’ll be able to significantly increase your organic traffic. 

Trends for Video Marketing

Want to start incorporating video into your marketing strategy? Looking to stand out from your competitors? Let’s get into some of the video marketing trends expected for 2021.

Webinars: Online Training and Educational Videos

While webinars are educational, they’re also just another form of content marketing. They allow you to put useful information in front of an audience to attract them to your business. They also help establish you and your business as experts in your field. Interest in webinars and other forms of online training has made a significant jump since quarantine, but we think this will be a trend that sticks around long into the future. Even when the time comes to return to in-person events, webinars are still great tools to use in order to expand your audience beyond your local community. 

Live-streaming & Virtual Events

This year, the average user will have 9.5 video streaming apps installed on their smartphones. Between events going virtual and people working from home, live-streaming is on the rise. While live-streaming isn’t necessarily for everyone (some people get nervous!) it has a few advantages over pre-recorded content. Live-streaming allows for live chats (real-time Q&As), is a good substitute for in-person announcements, is great for delivering breaking news, and is more personal. 

Short-Form Videos

Thanks to TikTok and Instagram Reels, short form content is on the rise. According to a study by Vidyard, 56 percent of recent videos created by businesses are two minutes or less. And the audiences are responding well to this. Over half of the people who view short-form videos, watch the whole way through. That’s great! Lengthy videos have their time and place, but it’s a good idea to think about how you can create easily digestible content and even convert your existing content into short, bite-sized videos. 

Increased Emphasis in Google Search

Video is great for SEO. Google has been prioritizing video and including video in search results. So by adding video to your content, you’ll likely rank higher in searches. You can do this by repurposing old blog posts, social media content, and recording of past webinars; or by maintaining an active YouTube channel while linking back to your website. 

Video is Key in 2021

As consumers, we’re going to continue seeing even more video content going into 2021. This means it’s the perfect time for your business to incorporate video, if you haven’t already. Online events, webinars, how-to videos, and announcement videos are just some of the ways to incorporate video. Now is the time to find the option that best fits your goals!