Case Study: SwiftPaws

Client: SwiftPaws
Category: Kickstarter Campaign Video & various marketing videos

Our relationship with our client Swiftpaws goes back a little while now. 

When they first reached out to us, they were an unknown company trying to spread the word about their Kickstarter project. 

Now they’ve developed, produced, and completely sold out of their first round of backyard lure coursing kits.

But let’s back up.

Swiftpaws is a health and lifestyle product for pets. It’s a remote-controlled lure course system that is great for exercise and can also help improve behavior. 

Our initial work with Swiftpaws involved creating a Kickstarter video for their campaign and a how-to video once production was underway. 

That Kickstarter campaign resulted in an overwhelming $73,608 pledged, which was well over their original goal of $20,000.

As part of our continued relationship with Swiftpaws, we’ve created instructional videos, client testimonials, promo videos, and we even did a “slow TV” style live stream.

For that project, we set up a 4-hour stream of various dogs running the commercial model of the course and had informational graphics pop up throughout the video.

Dog lovers could tune in as they pleased, the dogs’ owners could tell their friends to look out for their moment on screen, and customers who had questions knew Swiftpaws was active online and available to provide immediate answers.

Within 24 hours, we had reached almost 4,000 people organically which was awesome for a page with about 1,600 likes. There was a lot of conversations going on in the comments and our average watch time was around 20 minutes.

More recently, we worked on a trade show video for Swiftpaws. Their current goal is to get their product in front of distributors. They attended the SuperZoo trade show in Las Vegas last month and needed a video and static display for their booth.

Overall, we’ve made a decent amount of videos for our client Swiftpaws, but more importantly, we’ve repurposed a lot of footage in the process. Creating new video content doesn’t necessarily mean capturing brand new footage every time.

It’s really important to us that our clients get the most out of their videos. Sometimes this means using some footage from one video in another or repurposing a longer video into short clips perfect for social media. 

And Swiftpaws definitely isn’t the only business that can benefit from various types of marketing videos. 

Once any of our clients see how much their business can benefit from video, and that it’s not just a one-and-done deal, they really start to appreciate it just as much as we do.