4 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Pages with Video

We can’t say it enough, video marketing has taken over social media. Video performs better than all other content on social platforms. 

Think about your own actions that you take on social media. If you see a status update without a photo or video attached, how often do you stop to read it? Did you notice how much engagement it got? 

After a few hours, it probably only has a couple likes and is now officially lost to the algorithm. 

Tweets with video see 10x more engagement than those without, LinkedIn users are 20x more likely to share a video on the platform than any other type of post, and we all know video is the best performing content type on Facebook.

If you’re not creating video yet, maybe these stats will get you to take another look at your marketing plan – here are some tips on how to get started:

Engage with your audience LIVE.

In-your-face marketing tactics aren’t always the best approach. The more subtle you are, the more your audience will engage. The live broadcasting features on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are a great way to do this. 

By interacting with your viewers in real-time, you can create a genuine and human relationship. You’re not just a brand or business to them anymore.

There’s a ton of ways your business can use live video, so make sure to figure out which work best for your goals.

Q&A’s, how-to sessions, and announcements are some popular examples. 

Share great employee and customer stories. 

Let your audience in on fun bits of employee life. Did you have a surprise birthday party for someone? Are your employees testing out a new product you’re launching? Do you have any positive customer service stories? Make sure to share them! 

People love hearing stories and it helps build trust and develop a relationship between your customers and you. 

Customer testimonials also go a long way. 

Do you consider online reviews when you’re looking to purchase something? That’s because we trust what our peers have to say. 

Don’t focus your video efforts on proving how great you are. Let your customers do it! Highlight their success stories and have them share their personal positive messages about your company.

Connect with your viewers emotionally.

Informational videos have their time and place, but stories get people invested in your content. 

Creating a video that has either an emotional or entertaining storyline can easily grab your viewers attention through relatable characters while keeping your brand in the front of their mind. 

You don’t need a huge budget for this either – just some employees who can act, video equipment, and a great story idea.

Speed things up with time-lapse videos.

We all have really short attention spans. Ideally, you want to capture your viewer’s attention in seven seconds. Your video can be longer than that, but it has to be engaging. 

Time-lapse videos condense a long experience into an appealing and short video. 

We use a lot of time-lapse videos to show off the construction progress for some of our clients, like when they’re building a new location or renovating a current one. 

54% of consumers want to see more video content from the brands and businesses they support. 

Video really is worth experimenting with for your online marketing efforts and can make a huge difference in your business’s social media presence.