Using Native Video on LinkedIn for B2B

Phone with LinkedIn log in screen

Your audience, even on LinkedIn, is always looking for entertaining and engaging content. And it’s no secret that video is a highly effective marketing tactic. While native video is a relatively new feature on LinkedIn, you shouldn’t wait to get on board with it.

LinkedIn has kind of flown under the radar in terms of lead generation and marketing; however, it’s actually huge for B2B.  LinkedIn generates more leads for B2B companies than Facebook or Twitter individually. And video appeals to B2B companies just as much as your typical consumer. After all, you are still working with people.

75% of business executives watch work-related video weekly.

93% of B2B marketers consider LinkedIn to be the most effective site for lead generation. 

94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content. 

By strategically positioning yourself on LinkedIn and incorporating video, B2B companies can effectively use social media to generate leads.

LinkedIn allows you to upload video to your personal page or directly record it in the mobile app. Native video for company pages is also being rolled out to users. So make sure to keep checking to see if you’ve gotten that feature!

Let’s go over a few ideas for using native video on LinkedIn:

Give a quick update.

A quick day-to-day update is an easy way to keep your audience in the loop so they know what’s going on with your brand. You can easily shoot it and upload to LinkedIn to let them know what you’re doing today. These can be business related or an employee spotlight/company culture post. They help humanize your brand and increase engagement.

Share knowledge. 

A large part of building your brand is proving to people that you’re an expert on the subject and staying up-to-date with continuing education. So if you learn something that needs to be shared, or you have an important tip that will help your audience, make it into a video! You can also use this as an opportunity to be vulnerable with your audience and make connections. Tell them about your frustrations, if you’ve “been there, done that,” and wrap it up with some advice that helped you figure it all out. Not only will you create emotional connections, but you’ll start to be seen as a thought leader in your industry.

Provide a preview or special look into something new.

If you have an announcement to make or an exciting sneak-peek to share, upload it to LinkedIn. Videos that are energetic and build anticipation help hype up your brand and can be a great display of personality.

Over 80% of social media leads for B2B companies are generated through LinkedIn. Video marketing is great in general, but for a B2B company, LinkedIn helps give a more professional context to your videos. They can still be personal and funny, but it helps make your job easier if your audience is already thinking in business mode. On Facebook and Twitter, it’s easy to get lost in between cat videos and friend updates. On LinkedIn, people are working, so they’ll be more open to watching and engaging with your business messages.