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3 Types of Sales Videos that Will Impress Your Clients

Sales videos are a great way to market your products or services. Research has shown that sales videos produce high conversion rates. Making a video that sells takes creativity, but you’ll get the hang of it (or you just can ask us!). There are several different types of sales videos that you could try out, but we wanted to share the three that we recommend when getting started.

Instructional Sales Videos

Your goal is to engage your audience but leave them wanting more. When creating content, it’s best to stick to the 80/20 rule. Spend the first 20% of the video introducing the product or service, and spend the majority of the video (80%) teaching. We recommend having 3-5 points that you want to cover. Any less wouldn’t be enough and any more might cause you to lose your audience.


Problem-Solving Sales Videos

Problem-solving videos dive deep into some of the problems that your current clients may be facing and prospective clients may be worrying about. At the start of the video, you’ll want to address the problem you’ll be walking the viewer through. This allows your viewers to realize that this is something they’ve struggled with before so they’ll want to stick around and watch the content. At the end of this video, your viewer should have their questions answered and the tools to solve their problem.


Personal Stories/Testimonials

The best way to promote your product or service is through satisfied clients. Your viewers expect you to try to sell to them, so there’s significantly more credibility when a fellow client (rather than your business) is telling them how great you are. You can share client stories or even get their testimonies in order to provide social proofing. These videos help demonstrate how your product/service has made a difference for other people, and also motivate prospective clients by showing them that they can get similar results.


Regardless of which type of sales video you go for, make sure to always include a clear call-to-action. Be very specific with your CTA so that you have the best chance at getting to viewers follow your lead.