Over the last several months we have been teaming up with the awesome folks at the Greater Palm Bay Chamber of Commerce to produce a short video series promoting selected businesses called “Business Spotlight”.
For the Spotlight videos, we filmed business owners at their locations giving a brief interview where they talk about their business and speak on the advantages of being a chamber member. B-roll shots of the business are also shot and then edited together into a quick but informative video.
The videos are displayed during the Palm Bay Chamber’s monthly luncheon meetings where they also have keynote speakers and hand out community awards as well as a delicious meal served by Life Care Center of Palm Bay.
And at today’s luncheon, we were surprised to find out that the Chamber awarded us as “Business of the Month”!
We haven’t been with the Chamber long, but the time that we have been a member has been great! We’ve made so many new connections and friend while attending all of the ribbon cuttings and special events in Palm Bay. It has really made us feel like a part of this community.
So we wanted to send out a special thanks to the Greater Palm Bay Chamber of Commerce and all of their members and helpful ambassadors for welcoming us as a part of their great organization. We look forward to growing in the years ahead alongside of the Space Coast, Brevard County and the City of Palm Bay!
Here are a few samples of the Business Spotlight videos that we’ve done so far:
Would you like your very own video spotlight for your company?
We can help! Call us 321-802-3169