team members recording video content on camera

Where to Post Your Video Content to Maximize Reach and Engagement

Video content marketing is an important part of building a brand, but many brands don’t know how to maximize their videos for impact on search and social.

You’ve probably uploaded them to your website, your YouTube channel, and maybe even your Facebook page.

But how are they performing? Are they getting the views and engagement you need to make video content marketing worthwhile? Are you feeling like there’s too much competition for views and attention on these platforms?

Video content marketing involves creating and distributing branded video with the goal of converting users. The most effective way to do this is by following these best practices for publishing and promoting them:

Upload to One of the Top Video Content Marketing Platforms

The vast majority of small businesses use YouTube to publish their video content. But here are a few platforms you can explore:

1. YouTube

YouTube is usually the default option – and for good reason. It is well-known, popular, and has significant existing viewership. It’s also easy to promote videos hosted by YouTube—which allows creators of all levels to benefit from its audience reach.

2. Vimeo

Vimeo began as a basic video-sharing platform, but it has since expanded its functionalities to include collaboration tools, customized players, and marketing features like analytics.

3. Vidyard

Vidyard has two selling points: its ease of use and excellent customer service. The Vidyard team is available to help you create and publish high-quality content.

4. SproutVideo

SproutVideo makes it easy to create a website or landing page around hosted video content. You can use these sites to showcase your portfolio, share tutorials with viewers, and provide instructions directly to your team members—all without having any web design experience.

Add Video to More Pages on Your Website

Videos tend to rank higher in search results than other types of content and Google often displays a video thumbnail beside them. Include more videos on your website—including the home page, blog posts, and product descriptions—to get noticed by potential customers.

Take Advantage of Search and Social without Sending Your Audience to YouTube

If you don’t want to send all your traffic to YouTube, there’s another route you can go when sharing your video content. After uploading your content to YouTube, you’ll want to unlist the video, create an SEO-friendly blog post for it, and then embed the unlisted YouTube video in your blog post.

Always Upload Natively – Never Direct a Social Post to an Off-Site Video

Avoid adding a link to a YouTube video or any other video hosting platform directly to social media. You always want to upload the video natively to each social network. All the algorithms prefer it, it simplifies the customer journey, and maximizes engagement.

Ready to Get Started With Content Marketing?

If you want to grow your business with video or have more questions about the video production process, call us at 321-802-3169 to set up a FREE video brainstorming session.